Worship HelpsThe Worship Helps, found on the Community of Christ website, provide a variety of resources to assist congregations in leading vibrant worship. In the Worship Helps, you will find weekly worship outlines, sermon helps, scriptures, and hymn ideas. Additionally, you can access Disciples Generous Response tools, Witness the Word- Sermons on Demand, ideas for worship in small groups, and additional worship resource links.
New ExpressionsGod is calling us to be like so many who have gone before to share the message of Divine love in new and different ways that help people understand that message in their own context. New Expressions is a term used to describe all of the new ways we share God in the world.
*You will need to download the document at this link in order to use it as a fillable form.
Temple Tuesday VideosTemple Tuesday is a series of short videos that explore what it means to live as people of the Temple wherever we are in the world. Host Joey Williams uses images and locations in and around the Temple in Independence, Missouri that offer brief glimpses into how the ministries of the Temple can take shape in our own lives. Each video is 2-5 minutes and ends with a question or challenge connected with pursuing peace on and for the Earth. Latter-day Seeker Ministries began Temple Tuesday as a way to teach and illustrate the meaning of the Temple for those experiencing Community of Christ from an LDS background. It quickly found a wider audience as Community of Christ members and friends engaged with the videos weekly. Temple Tuesday videos also are a great resource for congregations and small groups. They can be part of a sermon, serve as a reflection moment or spiritual practice, generate discussion in small groups, and supplement weekly family devotions.
All Things Are SpiritualThe All Things Are Spiritual website, explores how spirituality intersects every dimension of life. We are spiritual and physical beings living in a complex web of life, interconnected with one another and all creation. The spiritual journey is deeply personal and at the same time takes us on life-changing journeys outside ourselves. It is about being and doing, contemplation and action, becoming and living.
Missional Leaders WebsiteThis website provides individuals and leaders space to explore and tools to become invitational Christ-centered communities of justice and peace. What if Jesus’ message and mission is as much about the present as the future? What if we, you and I, are called to join God in co-creating this future today? At this website, find helpful videos and other resources for developing disciples to serve.
Child ProtectionIn Community of Christ we strive to protect the most vulnerable among us, including our children. Therefore, anyone who works with children in a Community of Christ context must be Children and Youth Worker Certified. This resource has all you need to learn more and begin the process.
Church Administrator's HandbookThis resource offers important summary of policies, legislative actions, and established procedures for administration of the church’s various ministries, especially in field jurisdictions. Congregational pastors, mission center presidents, financial officers, and other leaders will find that many commonly asked questions are answered in these pages.
Pastors and Leaders Field GuideThe primary purpose of this field guide is to help pastors and congregational leaders “live into” shared practices of Christian discipleship that create a congregational culture shaped by the mission of Jesus Christ. The secondary purpose of this field guide is to help pastors and congregational leaders carry out the basic elements of organization and administration required for a well-functioning congregation.